[roc-info] Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner Event

Gregory J. Michels michels at rochester.rr.com
Fri Nov 27 22:14:02 EST 2015

ROC Orienteers,


Sunday December 6 is our annual meeting and potluck dinner. The Worner/Kohn
family have a Trail-O in store for us before dinner and the meeting. This is
a members only event so if you need to join you are welcome to do so at
registration (meet is FREE). Details below. Hope to see you there!


Greg Michels (Meet Director) and the Worner/Kohn Family (Course Setters)


Annual Meeting and Potluck Dinner 

Sunday December 6th

Stewart Lodge, Mendon Ponds Park



1:30 - 3:00  BOD Meeting

3:00 - 4:30  Events*

4:45 - 5:15  Pot-Luck Dinner, A-H (Appetizers), I-P (Main Courses), Q-Z

5:15 - 5:30  Annual Meeting (All club members welcome and encouraged to



Trail O is a little different from standard courses.  You walk/run to a
location (on a trail) and from that vantage point you must look and pick the
control that is described/shown on your map.  There will be 3 controls
visible and as you look from left to right you pick one of the controls A,
B, C or none of them as the control shown on the map and described in the
control description.  The course is around 3km but you can do as many or as
few controls as time permits.  



A twist on the usual favorite.  Instead of a rectangle grid shape it will be
a triangle.  Challenge your skills to read the map fast.  There will be
different levels of difficulty, so fun for the whole family!


*This is a member only event (FREE)  (if you aren't a member, join when you
arrive!  It is only $15 for an individual and $30 for a family)

Don't forget your potluck dish to pass and bring your own utensils and
dishes.  The club will provide drinks.  Based on your last name please bring
the following type of dish so we don't end up with all desserts (although I
wouldn't complain):
A-H (Appetizers), I-P (Main Courses), Q-Z (Desserts)



We have several volunteer positions that need filling. If you volunteer you
will still be able to participate in the event.


Greeter (Need 1)

Registration (Lindsay Worner , need 3 more)

Start/Finish/E-Punch (Tyler Borden, Michael Burkett, Need 1 or 2)

Flag Pickup (Greg Michels, Dick Detwiler, need 2 or 3 more)


Please email Greg Michels at michels at rochester.rr.com to volunteer.



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