[roc-info] Scams

Greg Michels michels at rochester.rr.com
Wed Apr 24 06:54:13 EDT 2019



A couple of people have reported this on the BOD dist list but it deserves a
wider audience. I apologize if someone already has but I have not seen it.


Somebody is targeting the club by associating our names together presumably
from the website. They then use their own email prefaced with someone's name
in the club to ask for help. If you see it on a phone you don't see the
email so it seems legit. They then request to buy something like a Google
play card saying they will reimburse. At this point it's pretty obvious it's
a scam. From what I have learned online they would presumably ask for the
number on the card.


If you get one you can report it to the FTC




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