[roc-info] Rochester orienteering - 5/15 Meet Info...

R.E.C. Palmer cepalmer at frontiernet.net
Sun May 9 15:15:53 EDT 2010

(Also to be posted on the website)
This week's meet on Saturday, 5/15/2010 is at the beautiful Mendon Ponds Park, starting from the "Pond View" shelter. 
You can start anytime from noon to 2 pm.

For a map that includes the shelter, see:

The shelter is at the end of the road from the location shown in the link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=pond+view+road,+mendon,+ny&sll=43.03648,-77.468113&sspn=0.011214,0.022037&g=pond+view+road,+pittsford,+ny&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pond+View+Rd,+Henrietta,+Monroe,+New+York+14467&ll=43.029937,-77.569914&spn=0.02243,0.044074&t=h&z=15 

It promises to be a beautiful spring day (from the law of averages as there has been lousy weather the previous two weekends).  

This course was originally to be set by Dick "I love swamps" Detwiler (RLShadow*).  However, due to a series of events starting with an unfortunate fractured wrist of Will Hawkins (feet*), the course is designed by Orienteering Goddess Linda Kohn (LK◪hn*) with actual course setting duties (i.e. slogging through the woods with control flags) handled by Stina Bridgeman. 

*Code names from orienteering training site www.attackpoint.org.

This week, we will have the standard courses. (# of controls and 'as the bird flies' lengths** forthcoming)
Green:    (Let's see if "Turbodog*" can extend his dominance of this color.)
Red:        (Blistering pace by "nate*" in rain at Webster)
And finally, a wild string-O course, for those who are younger - or maybe really for those who have the general navigational ability of this week's Meet Director Carl Palmer (gas_turbine).

**These lengths not to be confused with 'As Carl runs' lengths, which are typically 70% longer and 85% wetter.

This week will feature e-punching again.  For those new to e-punching, make sure you hear you hear the beep after you insert your dibbler into the hole in the control box (if you don't know what those words are, you will find out when you register).  Also, make sure you 'clear' and 'check' your dibbler at the start.  After you finish, remember to go to the download station (where the person with the computer will be) to download your data and receive your results.

...And most importantly, we have outstanding volunteers lined up to provide the post - activity food...  The wonderful baked goods are always a hit.

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