[roc-info] Upcoming ROC Orienteering Meet at Oatka on June 5th

Robert Stevens rjseme at rit.edu
Mon May 31 11:46:17 EDT 2010

This week's meet on Saturday, 6/5/2010, will be at Oatka Park just West of Scottsville.  There are courses for everyone: families, beginners, elite orienteers, dogs, etc.  Starts will be from noon-2pm.  Control pick-ups will be at 3:30 pm.  The meet will start at the lodge west of the Quaker Road and Union St. intersection.  See http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=oatka+park,+monroe,+ny&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.956293,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=Oatka+Creek+County+Park&hnear=Oatka+Creek+Park,+Scottsville,+NY+14546&ll=43.018831,-77.766209&spn=0.088984,0.153637&z=13&iwloc=A&cid=1063210713279058355 for details.

Linda Kohn and Kim McGann are the course setters, so I am sure we have some excellent courses.  The course setters' notes are as follows:

Course lengths:
white 1.7k, 50m climb
yellow 2.4k, 50m climb
orange 3.4k, 90m climb
brown 3.5k, 90m climb
green 4.5k, 110m climb
red 5.9k, 165m climb

Map and course notes:
The rough open is just that, rough!  It will slow you down a little but is easily passable with vegetation about knee height.  The green stripe indicates slightly tougher going.  It is mostly taller stands of bushes and worth going around rather than through.   Light green is generally passable, medium green passable for short distances, dark green...forget it, go around.  Notice that all the edges of these areas are very indistinct.
The main trails are mowed, the smaller trails marked with slashes on the trees.  There are many small deer paths, some shown with the indistinct trail symbol, others are not on the map since they were either too complicated or they go nowhere useful.

The pit symbol is used for pits that are at least 2 meters deep, the u symbol is used for smaller,but still distinct pits.  Not all of the pits are shown, especially in the areas where there are lots of them.  In other words, use some other features to navigate by rather than the pits.  Do be cautious while running through the areas with pits since they are rather deep and rocky.

Rocks are abundant.  The stone walls are obvious, however, the ruined stone walls (indicated with a dashed stone wall symbol) are not so obvious and are sometimes covered with leaves or vegetation.  Individual boulders are a single black dot, a group/cluster of several boulders is shown with a black triangle, a larger area of varying sized rocks is shown with the stony ground symbol (black dots randomly placed within the area).  The black circle with a dot in the center is the symbol for a stone pile, these are generally around a meter high.

There is private property along the east side of the park that is marked with signs, please do not cross onto that property.  The safety bearing is for white is north...for all other courses it is east.

One last thing...there is lots of poisan ivy out there, mostly along trails and open areas.  If you are allergic (or don't know for sure) you should wear full leg cover and use caution when removing shoes.  This applies to all courses, including white.

I hope to see you on Saturday,
Rob Stevens
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