[roc-info] ski-orienteering this Sunday

Rick and Dayle Lavine rdlavine at frontiernet.net
Tue Feb 1 22:35:14 EST 2011

We have a ski-orienteering event this Sunday at Cavalry Lodge in Mendon 
Ponds Park. Starts are from 12 to 1:30. This is a qualifier for the 
Empire State Games for this who wish to compete. The tentative courses 
and ESG classes are:

blue     8.9K    MO
red       6.2K    FO, MM, MG
green    5.3K    FM, FG, Scholastic
white    3.1K recreational.

Recreational skiers may do any course. Fees are $3 for members of ROC or 
other orienteering clubs, $6 for non-members. There should be plenty of 
snow, but the state of grooming is uncertain. Ski conditions are posted 
on the  RXCSF website <http:www.rxcsf.org/new2/>. (You have to join 
(free) to see conditions.)

For this event we will be using e-punching and Pre-Registration. You can 
Pre-Register by going here: https://sites.google.com/site/pebal04/ and 
filling out the form. You can always register at the event but 
pre-registering allows you to skip the lines and forms (saving both you 
and the volunteers a lot of time), simply head to the pre-reg check-in, 
pay entry fee, sign the waiver and collect your SI-card if you need to 
rent one, and head to the start.

Polish up your skiis and come out, one and all, and enjoy a great ski O 

Rick and Dayle Lavine, meet directors
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