[roc-info] Silent Auction

RWorner LKohn wornerkohn at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 19:39:50 EDT 2016

​A fundraiser for the WUOC Team is being organized as a Silent Auction at
NEOC's Troll Cup (Apr. 16-17). As in previous years there will be early
bird on-line bidding. Here's how it works: folks find stuff that they have
no use for but that would have some value to someone else. By sending me (
wornerkohn at gmail.com) a jpg of the object I will post it on AP where anyone
can bid on the item.
Bring your donated items to the meet or send them with Linda and Rick. All
items will be displayed with a bid sheet. At the end time of the bidding
the “winner” puts in the donation for their item and takes it home. If the
person is not at the meet but bid on line, we will make arrangements to get
it to you. Donations can be made on line at the OUSA web site or by mail.
Check out the on line bidding at:

Of course, it is also acceptable to make a donation directly to the
University Team by sending a check payable to OrienteeringUSA or by going
to the “donate” button on the OUSA web site (upper right). Make sure to
designate that you want the donation to go to the WORLD UNIVERSITY TEAM.
The cost for each team member is ~$950 plus airfare, please be generous.
Let me know if you have something to donate.
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