[roc-info] Junior Achievement Award

3kmaps at rochester.rr.com 3kmaps at rochester.rr.com
Sat Oct 9 12:14:38 EDT 2010

Hi everybody, 

In 2008, ROC established the Junior Achievement Award to recognize those members between the ages of 14 and 20 for their outstanding participation in the club.

Such things as attendance at club events, services to the club, striving for improvement in one's orienteering skills and demonstrating all around good citizenship will be used as criteria to determine who will be selected for this award form those who are nominated. Any member of the Rochester Orienteering Club, including juniors, may submit a nomination to any member of the Awards Committee. Nominations must be received by October 31. 
Awards Committee members are Carl Moran, Sandra Lonker,Linda Kohn, Karl and Mary Kolva and Rick Worner. the following are the email addresses of the committee members.

Karl and Mary Kolva: 3kmaps at rochester.rr.com    Rick Worner and Linda Kohn: Wornerkohn at aol.com     Carol Moran:  PWTmoran at aol.com     Sandra Lomker:    slomker at frontiernet.net

Remember, nominations must be submitted by October 31.

Karl Kolva

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